Thursday 11 February 2010

Weather sucks... makes taking photos suck... Necrons it is then!

I've worked on an off of it for about 6-7 months now, with little feedback or helpful criticism from anyone. That probably why its been so slow to finally get finished. The reason why I did is because I felt like challenging myself to see how hard making a codex is. People seem to think that the games designers hired by GW are chimpanzees on typewriters but there is alot work and new ideas that needs to go into creating something like codex. Its not great but I hope anyone who stumbles upon this will read it at least, and maybe even play with it! Its my first attempt at something like this so any feedback would be great. I've done a desginers notes version and a final one. So without further ado! Here it is!

Without notes:

Andy's Necron Codex -

With notes:

Andy's Necron Codex (notes) -

Pictures of my models coming soon! I promise! (the weekend at the latest)


  1. Hi there , keep it up for a good job , you really have a lot of nice blog here lots of information , i have read and passed on this info to my friends as well .
    I hope you can visit my blog (if you have the time)


  2. Nice effort but a long ways to go. You didn't fix the main problem Necrons have, that being they simply don't have a variety of units. The best army lists have a lot of unit options that allow you a variety of builds. Have a look at the new (vanilla) marine and tyranid books and you'll see what I mean.

    Also, C'tan as summoned demons? C'mon. You can do better than that. Go crazy. Leave the full C'tan in and add the Void Dragon and the Outsider. Add some new kinds of Necron we haven't seen before. Slash the unit costs down so people will want to take them.

    Good luck, and keep your stick on the ice.

  3. I didnt want to write any rules for new units that dont have models, that would require design and heaps of effort. This was just meant to be a quick fix, not a total redesign of the codex.

    Also I think having gods/primarchs, etc on the battlefield is stupid. :P
